Friday, March 14, 2008

Kara Nicola

Kara is our baby girl. She is 17 months old. She was born on October 27, 2006. We named her Kara because Gary wanted to use a comic book name and it was the only cute on I could agree on. It is the name of super girl. We got Nicola from my great-great-grandmother. She was an Indian.
Kara is so much fun to have in our family. She is a good girl. She loves her big sisters. It seems like she is growing up way too fast, because she wants to do everything her sister's are doing. The third kid is definitely the hardest. I had heard having two is not too bad, but when the third comes it makes everything harder, and it does!! She can get into so much trouble sometimes, she is by far my hardest!! But we love her!
She is already starting to figure out that she wants to go to grandpa and grandma's house. Grandpa is having a hard time juggling 3 girls, but he does a good job, they just love him!!

We call Kara "KARe bear" She loves playing with her sister's and all the fun toys we have. She also is becoming a daddy's little girl. They spend all day together while I am at work, and she is sad when he goes to work at night. We are so glad Kara came into our family we just love her cute personality and it is fun to hear her start to talk more and more.


Anonymous said...

Such a cute idea to spotlight each of your girls. They are so cute!! Thanks for sharing.