Monday, June 15, 2009

Am I Back?

Well I do still have a blog!!! I figured out how to erase my Christmas background, now I just have to find a new one or maybe I'll just go with the boring no background. Hey at least I'm blogging right? I have so much to catch up on. Maybe I will maybe I won't Ha Ha! School is out for the summer that's a good thing. At least I have no excuse now because I don't have a job keeping me busy or anything, oh wait are three little kids a JOB????


Anonymous said...

It's about time!!!!

Amy Jo said...

yeah! cute family pic.

Sarah said...

3 kids are totally a job... 1 is my full-time job!

sheila said...

I have been worried about yeah. I saw u running by my Moms last month, I tried to yell at ya, but you were listening to music. I'm glad u are back-a half a year later, ha, ha!